Whale Watching Tour in Chiriqui, Panama

The Humpback Whale season begins in the month of June until the month of October, they can be seen in the waters of the Panamanian Pacific Ocean.

The Gulf of Chiriquí is the ideal place for observing Humpback Whales, they can be seen from very close to the city of David, just half an hour away you can take a boat from the Port of Punta de Tierra or one hour to the Port of Boca Chica.

On July 23 we went to visit the Gulf of Chiriquí in search of the famous Humpback Whales and luckily for us we were able to appreciate them in the best way. It is important to keep a good distance from them as they can be stressed by the approach of the boats. .

What to know before watching whales?

Some rules for whale watching are the following: the maximum that is allowed to get close is 250 meters, it is prohibited to swim with them or feed them, the boat must move in the same direction as the animals and the preparation should not last a maximum of 30 minutes and If the whale walks with its calf for only 15 minutes.

Observation: The whales are in constant movement and many times these distances cannot be controlled, what we do recommend is that if it is within the capabilities of the boat captain, it is advisable to keep the distance as much as possible.

We made the whale watching trip from Boca Chica.

It is recommended that to do the whale tour you must have an armed group or have reserved your spot to go see them since if you approach the ports without any information you will not find anything concrete.

We recommend people make their reservation by contacting us from our website or whatsapp +507 60909741.

In Panama there are several places where you can appreciate this wonderful event of nature.

Places to see Whales in Panama:

The warm waters of the Panamanian Pacific Ocean attract hundreds of Humpback Whales every year, which makes Panama a privileged destination for observing Humpback Whales that migrate from both hemispheres.

Panama is the ideal place for Humpback Whale watching. Humpback Whale watching is done responsibly since only 2 boats are allowed to follow a pod of Humpback Whales and the closest you are allowed to get close to them is about 800 meters. feet.

There is no other feeling like seeing a Whale or two Jump in the water, it is incredible.

When to watch the whales in Panama?

From the end of June to the month of October
What other attractions will you have besides the Humpback Whales?

You will be able to appreciate the Biodiversity of our country. Among other cetaceans that you can observe are Bottlenose Dolphins, Spotted Dolphins, Hawksbill Turtles, Green Turtles, Howler Monkeys, White-faced Monkeys, Raccoons, Solo Cats, Waterfowl and Raptors such as the Osprey.

In addition to the beautiful Paridas, Bolaños and Gamez Islands.

Humpback Whale Watching Tour

David, Chiriqui, Panama

What to wear?


Mosquito repellent with more than 30% diethyltoluamide


rain poncho


Extra food and water

Binoculars and/or Binoculars

Plastic bags to protect cameras, etc.

Contact us for the best Humpback Whale watching tour:

Whatsapp: +507 60909741

Email: info@bongoutdoors.com


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