Things to do in Panama, What to do in Panama?

Things to do in Panama?, What to do in Panama?

Panama is a country with a lot of biodiversity!

Bongo Outdoors Tours, We are a Travel and Eco-Tourism Agency located in the province of Chiriquí, Panama. Inspired by the natural beauty of our environment and conservation, we offer unforgettable adventures.

We are located next to the David International Fair.

If you are thinking about where to go on your next vacation, I recommend Panama. It is an incredible place located in Central America. Here you will find everything: from tons of plants and animals to landscapes that take your breath away. 

And if adventure is your thing or you simply want to relax and enjoy nature, this is the ideal place for you and your family.

Why is Panama the ideal destination for your vacation?

Panama is a great country because it offers everything.  You can enjoy its beautiful beaches and also explore the dense tropical jungles such as the forests of the Soberanía National Park near the city or the Volcán Barú National Park in Chiriquí. If you like adventures, you are sure to find something exciting to do here.

Ways to get to Panama?

If you plan to visit Panama, it is like starting an adventure to one of the most picturesque and beautiful landscapes on the planet. You can appreciate the contrasts of Panama City from its skyscrapers to the old town.  

Getting to this tropical paradise is easier than you think, and here we will tell you how.

By air

The most common and fastest way to get to Panama is by plane. The country has the Tocumen International Airport and the Panama Pacifico Airport to get to Panama, then you can move within the Country by Plane if you like to visit Chiriquí, Isla Colón, Río Hato, etc.

By land

For travelers coming from Costa Rica, they can pass through the Paso Canoas border through Chiriquí, and the Guabito border through Bocas del Toro.

Kayak Tour in Chiriquí

The best kayak tour experience in Panama can be found in the province of Chiriquí, the starting point is Punta de Tierra, Chiriquí.

The kayaking tour in Chiriquí is one of the preferred options for those travelers who want to feel a unique connection with nature, this adventure will make you feel one with nature.

How to get to Punta de Tierra?

Punta de Tierra is located just 25 minutes from the city of David towards Panama, approximately 20km away.

What to do before arriving in Boquete or going to Bocas del Toro?

If you are traveling from Santa Catalina or Pedasí to Chiriquí, this is a good activity option to do before arriving in Boquete or Bocas del Toro.

Why is the Kayak tour in the mangroves the best option?

The Biodiversity found in this area is unique… it is a total connection with nature!!

The activity lasts approximately 2 hours, it is impressive to be surrounded by so much nature. It is a total connection with nature. We will make sure the experience is unforgettable!

Watching the sunrise or sunset in a kayak is one of the things we are sure you would love to experience.

Kayak Tour Itinerary in Chiriquí, Panama

Morning departure time
Sunrise Kayaking: 5:45am – 6:30am

Afternoon departure time
Sunset Sesh Kayaking: 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Barú Volcano 4×4 Tour

The Barú Volcano is the highest point in Panamanian territory and the highest volcano in southern Central America with its 3,475 meters above sea level. The Barú Volcano National Park has an area of ​​14,300 hectares and its last reported eruption was more than 500 years ago. It belongs to the La Amistad International Park that borders our neighboring country Costa Rica. Due to the narrowness of the Panamanian territory we can see the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Bocas del Toro, Costa Rica, etc. The sunrises and sunsets are extremely an unforgettable experience at the top of the Volcano and temperatures are reported below 0 degrees

Climb the Barú Volcano in 4×4

The Barú Volcano National Park belongs to the La Amistad International Park, which borders our neighboring country Costa Rica. Due to the narrowness of the Panamanian territory we can see the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Bocas del Toro, Costa Rica, etc. The sunrises and sunsets are extremely an unforgettable experience at the top of the Volcano and temperatures are reported below 0 degrees.

What to know before going to Volcán Barú in 4×4?

The Barú Volcano is a demanding hike of 27 km round trip through Boquete where the first 13.5 km have an accumulation of 1800 meters of positive ascent.

Ascent distance through Boquete: 13.5km

Estimated climbing time in 4×4: 2 hours

Estimated return time: 2 hours

What is the weather like at Volcán Barú?

Due to its elevation, the Barú Volcano has a temperature that ranges between 0 degrees at night and a maximum of 10 or 12 degrees on its hottest days.

Itinerary for Volcano Barú

Pick up time: 3:35 am

Return time to Boquete: approximately 9 am.

Barú Volcano Tour 4×4

Start time
Start time: 3:45am

Time of arrival at the top
Arrival time: 5:45am

Return time
Return time: 7 – 7:30am

Arrival time in Boquete
Time: 10:30 – 11am

River Rafting in Boquete, Chiriquí

The whitewater rafting routes our experienced guides will select for your trip will depend on the water levels since the dam release for the day of the trip, your previous rafting experience, skill and desire. Our jungle river rafting race offers incredible scenery, one of the best riverside lunches in Panama, as well as some celebratory beers and soft drinks at the end.

How to get to Boquete?

If you are in Panama City you can take a plane to the city of David and then take a bus at the David-Boquete transport terminal or if you come by car you can take the David – Boquete highway with a distance of 38km from the city of David, which gives you a time of approximately 1 hour.

River Rafting in Chiriquí

There’s nothing better than whitewater rafting in Boquete, Panama! With several world-class whitewater races in Panama’s Chiriquí province alone, there is no Central American paddling destination more extraordinary than Panama! Boquete tops the list for offering some of the best whitewater rafting trips in the world. The combination of the region’s topography, abundant watersheds, and incredible biological diversity make Panama an extraordinary whitewater rafting destination that offers stunning views of nature and wildlife.

River Rafting Tour

Departure time from Boquete: 8:30am

Arrival time at the Chiriquí Viejo River: 10am

End of Tour: 4 Pm

What does the River Rafting tour include?

Bilingual guides

Helmets, Life Jackets, River Rafting Specialist Equipment

Picnic and drinks

Round trip transportation from Boquete

For rafters of all experience, we would love to take your group to the rivers of Panama with several classic Class II and III races offering only super fun whitewater rafting! Depending on rainfall, water levels and season, we select from the Río Chiriquí Viejo, Río Fonseca, Río Gariche, Río Chiriquí, as well as many others. See a list of our rivers here.

Coiba Island Tour

Coiba Island Panama

Coiba Island is located on the Pacific coast of Panama. Many years ago it was a penitentiary center and now it is the Coiba National Park. It was founded as a national park in 1992 and its territory is 503 km2

How to get to Coiba Island?

You can get to Coiba Island via Santa Catalina or Pixvae.

Coiba Island

Coiba Island is famous for its surprising marine, aerial and terrestrial biodiversity, it has many coral reefs where thousands of people come especially to practice diving and many researchers also come to carry out studies of the flora and fauna found on the island such as They are macaws and howler and white-faced monkeys, for example.

Tour to Coiba Island

Departure time from Chiriquí: 3am

Arrival time at pixvae: 8am

Departure time for Isla Coiba 8:30am

We will visit Machete Beach, Canales Island.

End of Tour: 4 Pm

Escudo de Veraguas Island Panama

It is the name of an island located in the Panamanian Caribbean of 3 km², its name is similar to the province of Veraguas but the reality is that it belongs to the province of Bocas del Toro and is located about 20 nautical miles from the Gulf of Mosquitos. .

How to get to Isla Escudo de Veraguas?

You can reach the Shield Island of Veraguas through two accesses, the first is through Chiriquí Grande and the second is through Calovebora in the province of Veraguas.

The Shield Island of Veraguas

The island has crystal clear waters and white sand beaches. It is an endemic place, and we call it endemic because the Pygmy 3-toed Sloth is found, being the only place in the world where this protected and endangered species is found.

Tour to Veraguas Shield Island Panama

Departure time from Ciudad de David, Chiriquí

 Departure time: 3am

Arrival time at Chiriquí Grande

 7:00 am 

Departure time for Isla Escudo de Veraguas

 8:00 am

Arrival time at Isla Escudo de Veraguas

 9:30 a.m.

Return Time from Escudo de Veraguas Island to Chiriquí Grande

 3:00 pm

Return Time Chiriquí Grande to David, Chiriquí

 4-5 pm

Secas Islands Panama

The Dry Islands refers to the name of a small uninhabited volcanic archipelago in the Gulf of Chiriquí on the Pacific Ocean coast of Panama consisting of about sixteen islands that together have an area of ​​approximately 1,000 hectares (10 km2), administratively ago part of the Province of Chiriquí.

How to get to Islas Secas?

You can get there by taking a boat from Punta de Tierra or Boca Chica.

Dry Islands

The Secas Islands are an archipelago of approximately 16 islands where on your journey you can find spotted dolphins, humpback whales in season among many migratory birds. The Secas Islands have white sand beaches and coral reefs where you can snorkel.

Tour to Secas Islands

Punta de Tierra, Chiriquí or Boca Chica

 Departure time: 7:30am

 Return time: 3:30pm

Places to visit in Islas Secas:

 Secas Islands, Pargo Beach


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